Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

$10,000 Essential Services Fund $0.00

Provides essential services to help our chronically homeless and low-income clients rebuild their lives by offering resources to find and maintain housing, apply for medical and income benefits, file for unemployment claims, furnish basic hygiene supplies, and lend compassionate support.

$5,000 Housing Stabilization Fund $0.00

Offers monetary resources that support emergency temporary housing prior to securing permanent, affordable housing.

$2,500 Case Manager Fund $0.00

The drop-in resource center establishes trust and fosters an inclusive environment for our chronically homeless and low-income clients. Staff addresses the diverse, complex barriers our clients face by completing the paperwork that offers greater stability through financial and medical benefits including filing for unemployment insurance, coordinating at home meal deliveries, and visiting nurses for homebound clientele.

$1000 Welcome Home Fund $0.00

Assists with obtaining security deposits, first and last month’s rent, and necessary personal items when clients move from unstable or dangerous environments into permanent housing.

$500 Street Beautification Fund $0.00

Offers clients the opportunity to build valuable life skills through employment training. Not only does this work maintain neighborhood streets, but volunteers earn food stipends which improve their quality of life.

$300 Community Food Pantry Fund $0.00
Maintains weekly food pantry services at North Beach Citizens for the community’s most vulnerable senior and disabled neighbors. As of April 1st, government pandemic food stamp support has been drastically reduced from $218 to $23 per month.

$150 Emergency Relief Fund $0.00

Provides vital daily services to clients that include morning meals “to-go”, clothing, hygiene items, help with filing claims for rental assistance, access to restrooms, and a warm place to rest.


$50 Family Connect Fund $0.00

Connects clients with their loved ones by removing emotional, transportation, and technological barriers.

All donations welcome!


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